SAS is the brand under which the member firms of SALIM AL SIYABI CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS operate and provide professional services. Together, these firms form the SAS network.
In many parts of the world, accounting firms are required by law to be locally owned and independent. Although regulatory attitudes on this issue are changing, SAS member firms do not and cannot currently operate as a corporate multinational. The SAS network is not a global partnership, a single firm, or a multinational corporation.
The PwC network and each of the individual PwC firms are strongly committed to protecting the privacy of personal data that they maintain about PwC clients, employees and other individuals. As part of this commitment to privacy, PwC regularly reviews its data protection practices to comply with applicable laws, industry standards and best practices. To meet the requirements of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and as a result of other territorial regulations impacting privacy, a comprehensive global programme -- the Network Data Protection Programme or NDPP -- has been established to provide a basis for, and a consistent approach to, data protection compliance across the PwC network and within each member firm.
An overarching goal of the NDPP is to promote a vision, practices and standards across the PwC network that achieve a robust level of protection for and appropriate use of the personal data of PwC member firms’ people, clients, vendors and other stakeholders. All member firms are required to implement the requirements of the NDPP through their own individual firm programs, building upon existing confidentiality and security processes and standards. These NDPP requirements are extensive and cover multiple functional areas and aspects of our business, all in pursuit of accountability and transparency in how PwC collects, processes, protects and disposes of personal data.
For more information regarding the PwC network, its organisation and legal structure, and the relationship between member firms, please